1. Log in to Jenkins.
2. Click on ‘New Item’ from the left navigation.
3. Enter a name for your job, select ‘Freestyle project’ and click ‘OK’.
4. Under the ‘General’ tab, you can provide a description for your job.
5. Under the ‘Source Code Management’ tab, enter the URL of your source code repository.
6. Under the ‘Build Triggers’ tab, select the type of trigger you would like to use for your job.
7. Under the ‘Build’ tab, specify the shell commands or Ant targets you would like to execute.
8. Under the ‘Post-build Actions’ tab, specify any post-build actions you would like to take.
9. Click ‘Save’ to save your job.
Name: Test Job
Description: This job will run a test script
Source Code Management: https://github.com/example/test-script
Build Triggers: Poll SCM, schedule: H/15 * * * *
Build: Execute shell: ./test.sh
Post-Build Actions: Publish JUnit test result report, test report XMLs: **/test-results.xml