Debugging Node-RED applications can be done in several ways.
1. Using the Debug Node: The Debug node allows you to view the output of a flow in the debug tab of the Node-RED window. This is a great way to view the output of a flow and quickly identify any issues.
2. Using Logging: Logging is a powerful way to debug Node-RED applications. Node-RED has built-in logging capabilities which can be used to debug flows and identify any issues.
3. Using a Debugger: Node-RED has a built-in debugger which can be used to step through a flow and view the output of each node. This is a great way to identify any issues with a flow.
4. Using the Node Inspector: The Node Inspector is a powerful tool which can be used to view the output of a flow and debug any issues. The Node Inspector can be used to view the output of each node in a flow and quickly identify any issues.