1. Security: Linux is one of the most secure operating systems available. It has built-in security controls that help protect against viruses, malware, and other security threats. For example, the SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) feature provides additional security by restricting access to certain system files and processes.

2. Flexibility: Linux is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the operating system to their specific needs. For example, users can choose from a wide variety of distributions, or “flavors” of Linux, such as Ubuntu, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

3. Stability: Linux is known for its stability and reliability. It can run for months without needing to be restarted, and it rarely crashes or freezes. For example, Linux servers are often used to host web applications and services due to their reliability and uptime.

4. Cost: Linux is free and open-source, making it an attractive option for those who need a reliable operating system but don’t have the budget for a commercial solution. For example, many businesses are able to save money by using Linux instead of Windows or Mac OS.

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