1. Reactive Components: Vue.js uses a “reactive” system that allows components to react to changes in the data model. For example, when a user changes the value of a variable in the data model, the view will automatically update to reflect the change.

2. Virtual DOM: Vue.js uses a virtual DOM, which is a lightweight representation of the actual DOM. This allows Vue.js to make efficient updates to the DOM without having to re-render the entire page.

3. Data Binding: Vue.js supports two-way data binding, which means that when the data in the model changes, the view automatically updates to reflect the change. For example, if a user changes a text input, the value of the variable in the data model is automatically updated.

4. Computed Properties: Vue.js allows you to define “computed” properties, which are functions that are automatically calculated based on the data in the model. For example, you could create a computed property that calculates the total price of a shopping cart, based on the prices of the individual items in the cart.

5. Components: Vue.js allows you to create custom components that can be reused throughout your application. Components can contain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and can be used to create complex user interfaces. For example, you could create a custom “product card” component that displays information about a product in a card-like format.

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