1. Fast and minimal: Express.js is a lightweight and fast web framework, which makes it perfect for building efficient and scalable web applications. It has a minimalistic approach and provides just the essential features needed for web development.
2. Routing: Express.js provides a robust set of features for routing requests. It supports dynamic routing, which allows you to define routes with variables and wildcards. For example, you can create a route for a specific user profile page like this:
app.get(‘/user/:username’, (req, res) => {
// Retrieve user profile data
3. Middleware: Express.js provides a powerful set of middleware functions, which are functions that are executed before a request is handled. These functions can be used to modify the request or response, authenticate requests, and perform other tasks. For example, you can use a middleware function to validate user input before processing the request.
4. Templating: Express.js supports templating engines, which allow you to render dynamic HTML pages based on data from the server. This makes it easy to create dynamic web pages with dynamic content. For example, you can use a templating engine to render a list of products with images and descriptions.
5. Database integration: Express.js makes it easy to integrate with databases. It supports popular databases such as MongoDB and MySQL, which makes it easy to store and retrieve data from the database. For example, you can use Express.js to retrieve a list of products from a MongoDB database and render them in a web page.