1. Authentication and Authorization: AWS IoT Core uses X.509 certificates for authentication and authorization of devices. These certificates are used to verify the identity of the devices and to control access to the AWS IoT Core services.
2. Access Control Policies: AWS IoT Core uses access control policies to control access to the AWS IoT Core services. These policies are used to grant or deny access to specific resources or operations.
3. Encryption: AWS IoT Core uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt data in transit. This ensures that data is not modified or tampered with while in transit.
4. Device Shadowing: AWS IoT Core provides a feature called device shadowing, which allows devices to store their state information in the cloud. This allows devices to be managed remotely, even when they are offline.
5. Security Monitoring: AWS IoT Core provides a security monitoring feature which allows administrators to monitor the security of their devices. This feature can be used to detect suspicious activity and take appropriate action.