1. Column Family Model: This data model is based on the concept of column families, which are collections of related columns. For example, a table of employee data may have a column family for the employee’s name, another for their address, and another for their job title.
2. Wide Column Model: This model is based on the concept of wide columns, which store values as rows instead of columns. For example, a table of employee data could have a wide column for the employee’s name, another for their address, and another for their job title.
3. Key-Value Model: This data model is based on the concept of key-value pairs, which are collections of related data elements. For example, a table of employee data could have a key-value pair for the employee’s name, another for their address, and another for their job title.
4. Document Model: This model is based on the concept of documents, which are collections of related data elements. For example, a table of employee data could have a document for the employee’s name, another for their address, and another for their job title.