How does Ansible Tower work?

Ansible Tower is an enterprise framework for controlling, securing and managing your Ansible automation with a UI and RESTful API. It is designed to run as a centralized system for automation tasks, eliminating the need to manually update individual machines.

Ansible Tower works by allowing organizations to define playbooks, which are written in YAML and contain instructions for Ansible to execute on remote nodes. These playbooks can be used to automate tasks such as deploying software, configuring systems, and running ad-hoc commands.

For example, if an organization wanted to deploy a web application to their servers, they could create an Ansible playbook that contains the instructions for how to do so. They would then use Ansible Tower to execute the playbook on the remote nodes, which would deploy the application. Ansible Tower also provides detailed reporting and logging, so that organizations can track the progress of their automation tasks.

What is Ansible Tower?

Ansible Tower is an enterprise framework for controlling, securing and managing your Ansible automation with a UI and RESTful API. It is designed to run large-scale multi-tier applications across private clouds, public clouds, and on-premise environments. Ansible Tower provides role-based access control, job scheduling, integrated notifications, and graphical inventory management to help you easily manage complex deployments.

For example, Ansible Tower can be used to create a deployment pipeline for an application, which could include steps such as provisioning a server, installing software, configuring the application, and running tests. The deployment pipeline can be triggered by a code commit, and Ansible Tower will automatically take care of the rest.

What is the difference between an Ansible playbook and an Ansible role?

An Ansible playbook is a set of instructions written in YAML that define a set of tasks to be executed on a given set of hosts. It is used to configure systems, deploy applications, and perform other IT automation tasks.

An Ansible role is a collection of related tasks, templates, files, variables, and handlers that can be used to create a playbook. It is designed to be reusable and can be shared with other users.


Ansible Playbook:

– hosts: all
become: true
– name: Install Apache
apt: name=apache2 state=installed
– name: Start Apache
service: name=apache2 state=started

Ansible Role:

– name: apache
hosts: all
become: true
– name: Install Apache
apt: name=apache2 state=installed
– name: Start Apache
service: name=apache2 state=started
– name: restart apache
service: name=apache2 state=restarted

What is an Ansible role?

An Ansible role is a set of tasks, templates, files, and variables that can be used to define a complex set of activities to be performed. Roles allow users to break up their playbook into smaller, reusable components.

For example, if a user wanted to install a web server, they could create a role called “webserver” that would include tasks for installing Apache, configuring the server, and setting up virtual hosts. The user could then include this role in their playbook, so that it runs whenever the playbook is executed.

Can you explain the concept of playbooks in Ansible?

Playbooks are Ansible’s configuration, deployment, and orchestration language. They can describe a policy you want your remote systems to enforce, or a set of steps in a general IT process. Playbooks are designed to be human-readable and are developed in a basic text language.

Playbooks are expressed in YAML format and have a minimum of syntax, which intentionally tries to not be a programming language or script, but rather a model of a configuration or a process.


– hosts: webservers
remote_user: root
– name: Install httpd
name: httpd
state: present
– name: Ensure httpd is running
name: httpd
state: started
enabled: yes

What are the benefits of using Ansible?

1. Automation: Ansible automates software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. This can save time and reduce errors. For example, an Ansible playbook can be used to quickly deploy a web application across multiple servers.

2. Agentless: Ansible does not require any agents to be installed on managed nodes. This makes it easier to deploy and maintain. For example, an Ansible playbook can be used to configure a server without the need to install an agent.

3. Idempotency: Ansible ensures that the desired state of a system is maintained. This means that it will only apply the necessary changes to bring a system into the desired state. For example, an Ansible playbook can be used to ensure that a server is always configured with the same settings.

4. Scalability: Ansible can be used to manage large infrastructure with ease. It is highly scalable and can be used to manage thousands of nodes. For example, an Ansible playbook can be used to configure hundreds of web servers in a single go.

5. Security: Ansible is secure and can be used to manage sensitive data. It uses secure protocols such as SSH and WinRM to communicate with managed nodes. For example, an Ansible playbook can be used to securely configure a server with sensitive data.

What is Ansible?

Ansible is an open-source automation platform used for automating software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. Ansible is used to manage and configure computers, networks, and cloud resources. It can also be used to deploy applications and systems in a repeatable and automated fashion.

For example, you can use Ansible to provision and configure a web server, set up a database, and deploy a web application. You can also use it to deploy a new version of an application or system. Ansible can also be used to manage and monitor the health of your infrastructure, including applications, servers, and networks.

What is the Puppet Agent?

The Puppet Agent is a software program that allows users to manage and configure their servers, networks, and applications. It is a client-server application that enables the user to define the desired state of their infrastructure and then automatically enforces that state. For example, a user can define the desired configuration of a web server and the Puppet Agent will ensure that the web server is configured as desired.

What are the benefits of using Puppet?

1. Automation: Puppet allows you to automate repetitive tasks and configuration processes, reducing the time spent on manual tasks and ensuring consistency across systems. For example, Puppet can be used to automate the installation and configuration of software and services on multiple servers.

2. Scalability: Puppet allows you to easily scale your infrastructure by adding new nodes. For example, Puppet can be used to deploy a new web server to handle increased load on your website.

3. Security: Puppet can be used to ensure that all systems are configured securely and consistently. For example, Puppet can be used to ensure that all systems have the latest security patches installed.

4. Flexibility: Puppet is highly flexible and can be used to manage both physical and virtual machines. For example, Puppet can be used to manage both physical servers and cloud-based virtual machines.

5. Cost Savings: Puppet can help you save money by reducing the need for manual labor and providing a consistent and efficient way to manage your infrastructure. For example, Puppet can be used to automate the deployment of new servers, reducing the need for manual setup.