1. CSS is more efficient than using HTML for styling as it separates the content from the presentation. For example, instead of using HTML to create a paragraph with a bold font, you can use CSS to style the paragraph with the font-weight property:

This text is bold.

2. CSS is easier to maintain than HTML, as it allows you to make changes to a single file instead of making changes to multiple HTML files. For example, if you want to change the font of your website, you can do it in one place by changing the font-family property in your CSS file.

3. CSS is more responsive than HTML, as it allows you to create different styles for different devices. For example, you can create a different style for mobile devices and desktop devices by using media queries.

4. CSS is more compatible with different browsers than HTML, as it allows you to create styles that are compatible with different browsers. For example, you can use vendor prefixes to create styles that are compatible with different versions of a browser.

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